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13th May 2012
@ 5PM

Rachelle Brass

“Get Set, Ready, Go! Pt 2”

Series: “Get Set, Ready, Go!”

13th May 2012
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“3. Patterning the Life of Christ Pt 3”

  • Prayer

Series: “Patterning the Life of Christ”

6th May 2012
@ 5PM

Simon English

“R.I.P. Pt 2”

Series: “R.I.P”

6th May 2012
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“2. Living From The Divine Order”

  • Prayer, 
  • Revelation

Series: “Patterning the Life of Christ”

29th April 2012
@ 5PM

Martin Steel

“The kingdom and the church”

29th April 2012
@ 10AM

Martin Steel

“Finding Your Lost Calling”

22nd April 2012
@ 5PM

Clay McGregor

“Be Still and Know”

22nd April 2012
@ 10AM

Chris Logan

“Caught off Balance”

15th April 2012
@ 5PM

Mike Hewetson

“It's raining!”

15th April 2012
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“1. Patterning the life of Christ Pt 1”

  • Revelation

Series: “Patterning the Life of Christ”

8th April 2012
@ 5PM

Clay McGregor

“A resurrected life”

8th April 2012
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“Do you know why Jesus died?”

1st April 2012
@ 5PM

Rachelle Brass

“Need a Healing? PM”

1st April 2012
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“Need a Healing?”

25th March 2012
@ 5PM

Debbie Robinson

“The Impossible Zone”

Series: “God of the Impossible”

25th March 2012
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“Are we striving or resting in Him?”

  • Freedom, 
  • Rest

18th March 2012
@ 5PM

Clay McGregor

“Walking Together 2.0”

  • Discipleship

Series: “Walking Together”

18th March 2012
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“1. Knowing Him”

Series: “Knowing Him”

11th March 2012
@ 5PM

Simon English

“R.I.P Pt 1”

Series: “R.I.P”

11th March 2012
@ 10AM

Jonny Gilling

“Being One”