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24th June 2018
@ 5PM

Chris Logan

“20. Ephesians 5:15-33”

Series: “Ephesians”

24th June 2018
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“2. Coming to the END of one's SELF”

Series: “Christ IN US the Hope of Glory”

17th June 2018
@ 5PM

Sandra Logan

“19. Ephesians 5:13-21”

Series: “Ephesians”

17th June 2018
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“1. Christ IN US the Hope of Glory”

  • Identity, 
  • Inheritance

Series: “Christ IN US the Hope of Glory”

10th June 2018
@ 5PM

Greg Simnor

“18. Ephesians 5:2-13”

Series: “Ephesians”

10th June 2018
@ 10AM

3rd June 2018
@ 5PM

Sam Willis

“17. Ephesians 5:1-3”

Series: “Ephesians”

3rd June 2018
@ 10AM

Paul Costelloe

“21. Being Rooted and Grounded in Love”

Series: “Faith, Hope, Love”

27th May 2018
@ 5PM

Sandra Logan

“16. Ephesians 4:25-32”

Series: “Ephesians”

27th May 2018
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“20. We Are Holy”

Series: “Faith, Hope, Love”

20th May 2018
@ 5PM

Greg Simnor

“15. Ephesians 4:17-24”

Series: “Ephesians”

20th May 2018
@ 10AM

Danielle Simnor

“19. The Rendering Of My Heart”

Series: “Faith, Hope, Love”

13th May 2018
@ 5PM

Mel Beyer

“14. Ephesians 4:7-16”

Series: “Ephesians”

13th May 2018
@ 10AM

Jo Hughes

“18. The Body Builds Itself Up In Love”

Series: “Faith, Hope, Love”

6th May 2018
@ 5PM

Steve McCracken

“13. Ephesians 1:1”

Series: “Ephesians”

6th May 2018
@ 10AM

5th May 2018
@ 7PM

Steve McCracken

“Steve McCracken to Leaders”

2nd May 2018
@ 7PM

Stew Darling

“12. Leadership of Self”

Series: “Leadership Practices”

29th April 2018
@ 5PM

Paul Costelloe

“12. Ephesians 4:1-6”

Series: “Ephesians”

29th April 2018
@ 10AM

Greg Simnor

“17. Living From Affluence”

Series: “Faith, Hope, Love”